Welcome to our Family coach training




course beginning SOON

Supervision Circle

Join the Supervision Circle and get to know us! No risk, no long term commitment.

Become a member of our SuperVision Circle to connect with other coaches and professionals who share similar goals and objectives. Review clients cases, ask questions, and learn from one another through regular webinars with Hilde and other qualified coaches. Webinars will be recorded and available for reference at your convenience.

Web-calls will take place on the first Tuesday of each month at 1 pm EST (10 am Pacific Time, 7 pm Central European Time).

Become a member of our SuperVision Circle to connect with other parents, coaches and professionals who share similar goals and objectives.

  • Review clients cases, ask questions, and learn from one another through regular webinars with our founder, Hilde Wiemann and other qualified coaches.

  • Webinars will be recorded and available for reference at your convenience.

  • Web-calls will take place once a month.

Cost: $25 a month or $80 for 4 months

We train professionals using our step-by-step, simplified and proven protocols for family healing, helping parents transform their view of the so called “problem child” to the “Noble Child”. This is one of the most advanced breakthrough healing tools today, guiding a family through a healing process safely.

A psychologist of many years, experienced working in Rehab Centers and Wilderness Centers found my website recently and says: “You have the missing piece! Even parents are somehow involved in the journey of their kids while attending rehabs for months, the sad things is that they go home to dysfunction and feel unsafe on their return. Your program can change that.” - R. V.


three levels of Family Coach Training:

Entry Level, Advanced and Master Family Coach

(each is the foundation for the following class)

THE FAMILY COACH TRAINING IS FOR PROFESSIONALS who are looking to enhance their practices through a proven protocol for family healing. For over 25 years, Hilde has been coaching families through a dynamic process of bringing all family members together in a two-day Family Healing Intensive. Family members move from old hurtful patterns to loving and authentic ones, ultimately creating closeness and greater belonging in the family. I am convinced that you can make profound and fast differences following this Fast Start Program.

A coach who received training says:

“The training by Hilde was incredible. I wish all coaches and therapists who work with parents and children would know about this. It changed my practice. Now I have a protocol, a model, I know what the goal is and what it takes to get there." Lisa M.

What can I gain from this program? 

The parents are unaware that their own healing journey is about to start and in reality, the healing of one child begins with the healing of parents and changes within the whole family. Our Entry Level Training is the perfect protocol to help parents on this journey and prepare them for a Two-Day Family Healing Intervention.


This is a game-changing program that will save you and your clients potentially years of unnecessary heartaches and pain. I have synthesized decades of clinical practice, personal healing, professional investigation, and acquiring the crème de la crème of the finest technology available for transformation and change. With these protocols of all three levels, entry - advanced - and master coach, you can help any individual, couple or family seeking help to quickly gain a clear overview for their healing journey: Understanding reasons for disorders and detachment; how lack of pure unconditional love in their lives forces them into getting and protecting behaviors; how to release traumas and create intimacy through simple skills and tools taught along your path; tools such as “Real Love”, “Safe Conversations®”, Parenting Styles, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Walking Away the Blues, Chip Method and more. As a professional, you will learn to create comfort and security for your clients by designing a personal treatment plan, and providing them with great support through ongoing online courses.

Clear Protocol: A step-by-step interview process with parents to create an effective family healing plan together.

  • Educational Material for your Client: You will receive documents in PDF format as educational support for your clients.

  • Business Expansion: Add income sources by teaching webinars and facilitating small groups.

  • Expand Your Network: Increase your effectiveness by networking with our existing coach team and class-mates.

  • Continued Education and Support: Continuing education opportunities are offered to keep pace with new methods and supervision by our trained Family Coaches.

For your own support, you can join our Supervision Circle, create a network for yourself, get questions answered and learn from the cases shared. 

Three Levels of Training: Entry, Advanced and Master family coach



The professional inherits our model for identifying ancestral burdens within the lineages of both parents, how it expresses itself in their own lives and the lives of their children. With this level of training alone, professionals will gain tremendous insight for addressing big challenges, like detachment and various disorders in the family.

In the Entry Level we provide the coach with the step-by-step protocol, “Finding the Key to Your Child’s Heart”, helping parents to understand themselves better and equip them with new tools for the family. The Advanced Level is providing the professional with emotional processing tools, needed for deeper work and as the foundation for the Master Coach Training. Completing the Master Course will enable you to facilitate our unique approach to family healing through the two-day Family Healing Intensive (FHI). This accelerates greatly the emotional healing and wholeness within the family, restoring longstanding generational issues.


“Brilliant! It is a road map, a cheat sheet, making it simple for the professional and the parents. Everybody knows from the beginning what the work together looks like, which is creating confidence in the client, who gains power over one’s actions and speed in their healing journey. BRAVO!” A. C.

The Entry Level stands on its own as a highly effective tool to work with families.

For deeper emotional processing work we offer the Advanced Coach Training.

Advanced family coach training

Exciting, confronting and experiential! In this course we are presenting tools for taking a client into a profound and deep journey, a necessary step to further the healing process of individuals, couples and parent/child relationships. The team of Generational Healing will demonstrate deep emotional processing and skill building in live webinars. This training is a perfect preparation for a professional to qualify for our training to be able to facilitate Family Healing Interventions.

Testimony of A successful young coach:

“I could not stop reviewing these precious processes we learned in each of the sessions. There is so much theory we learn in seminars and in coach training. It is priceless to watch Hilde in action, demonstrating live coaching with one of the class participants. Her depth, presence and experience is breathtaking! I also gained so much confidence working with stillness and letting the client move deep into one’s emotions.” R.G.

master family coach training

Experiential 3-day in-person seminar:

Professionals are required to attend a 3-day in-person retreat where they participate in the role-play of a Family Healing Intensive Protocol. You will receive a written document for facilitating this unique and emotionally freeing, but also intense experience for a family. It also includes 6 months free membership to the monthly Supervision Circle. Attendance is required for the certificate as a Master Family Coach by Generational Healing.

Written Application is required

Please contact our office!

by attending This in-depth Family Coach Training on all three levels you will learn to fully guide a family on their healing journey.

Location: Hagerstown, MD